Why Instagram and TikTok Are A Waste Of Your Time

This is an incredibly important video for anyone who runs a business.

The long and short of it is, these days, a YouTube channel is a TV channel.

If you run a business, I encourage you to let what you saw in that video soak in.

Watch it again and ask yourself what growth opportunities exist for your business by incorporating your own TV channel as a marketing and communications platform?

Watch it again with your business partner(s) if you have any because that video is that important.

YouTube is not a game. It is not a toy for the kids.

What I've seen is that people above a certain age do not appreciate or understand what a powerful business tool YouTube is.

When encouraging business owners to establish a YouTube presence, I've had multiple people tell me that their target audience isn't on YouTube.

YouTube is the second most-visited website in the world, behind only its parent company, Google.

Who the hell are you targeting that doesn't use the second most-visited website in the world?

Hopefully, watching this video will help you see YouTube for what it really is because it's not a social media platform, it is a MEDIA platform where you get to create your own TV station.

What makes more sense for you in the long term...putting your limited time and energy into creating disposable Reels and TikToks, or putting that same time and energy into creating and growing your own TV channel?

People undervalue YouTube because it's free. But when you sit back and think about what you can actually accomplish with YouTube as a business owner, it should cost so much that none of us could afford it.

For context, Byron Allen bought The Weather Channel in 2018 for $300M.

You can create your TV channel on YouTube for free, using just your smartphone and be right there on TV with The Weather Channel and NBC, CBS, ESPN, Disney, etc.

YouTube is on the same level as any other channel on TV these days.

The only difference is it's the TV channel that you can put yourself on anytime you want and create whatever kind of shows you want.

What can you do with that opportunity as a small business owner or a non-profit leader or as an executive of a major corporation?

Don't undervalue the YouTube opportunity just because it's free.

Cooking Shows Are Big Business On TV!

Always have been.

Always will be.

If you're a chef and you want to discuss what the YouTube opportunity means for you and how you can use YouTube to accomplish your culinary industry goals, click here to complete your Registration of Interest form so we can get started.


How To Use YouTube To Build Your Own Media Company

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