Professional Chefs: Are You Marketing Yourself Correctly?

Most chefs are on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok...along with everybody and their mama and grandmama.

For professional chefs who want corporate clients, LinkedIn is where you should be posting because that's where all the corporate decision makers are and there is NOBODY posting food photos or videos on LinkedIn.

You're a chef. Food is your profession.

LinkedIn is the perfect place for you to showcase your expertise.

But you have to look hard to find a chef who posts on LinkedIn.

You can be the chef on LinkedIn building relationships with corporate buyers. Or you can just keep posting on Instagram with a hundred million other chefs and stay lost in all that noise.

On LinkedIn, everybody is on there using their real name and job title.

The platform is designed for you to be able to easily network with other professionals who you can do business with.

The kids don’t play on LinkedIn. On LinkedIn, you’ll find the serious adults who are serious about conducting business.

You can post on LinkedIn and find corporate clients who will pay you every month.

[RELATED: Why Instagram And TikTok Are A Waste Of Your Time]

But you cannot just post what you've already been posting.

I've reviewed the Instagram and Facebook pages of a lot of chefs and most of them are very unprofessional.

If you run a business, your social media page for your business should be designed for your ideal client to see what they need to see to know that they want to hire you.

Every single post should be made with that in mind.

So if your posts are all over the map because you treat your social media page like it's a place for you to post whatever you feel inspired to post that day, then you are costing yourself opportunities because premium clients are not going to view you as a premium chef.

I've seen too many Instagram pages where the chef is giving themselves no chance at all to be hired by people who have money.

If you want to be hired by people who have money, then every single post on your business page needs to make you look like someone who belongs in their home.

99 out of 100 chefs fail that simple test and that's why you keep getting inquiries only from low budget consumers.

If you want premium clients, you need to look like you belong in their home in front of their friends and family or business associates who they're trying to impress.

If you're already doing that, you can post on LinkedIn and have direct access to premium private and corporate clients.

Here's an example:

I created a video for one of my clients to post on LinkedIn and look at all the engagement it got.

Just below the video, you can click the reactions that people left and it will pull up the full list of people who reacted to the post.

What you'll see is a list of people's real names and their job titles.

  • You can click their profiles and see where they work and what they do.
  • You can introduce yourself.
  • You can make yourself visible to corporate decision makers.

Pay attention to the style of that video.

That video showcases Chef Erinn as a full grown adult professional communicating like a full grown adult professional.

She looks like a premium chef who would deliver premium, professional service in any environment in front of any clientele.

That's how you have to market your business if you want to get the best clients.

LinkedIn is the platform that's designed for professional chefs to get the best clients.

But you have to:

  1. Use the platform.
  2. Post like you're an adult professional. That means NOT posting all the unprofessional foolishness that Instagram has everybody posting because everybody else is doing it.

What's good for Instagram is not what's good for you. Most people don't understand that and that's how you end up posting all kinds of foolishness that makes money for Instagram because it keeps people scrolling on Instagram.

But helping Instagram keep people scrolling on Instagram is not making YOU any money.

Most chefs need help with this.

Marketing is not a simple thing. If it was simple and easy, every chef would have a calendar full of events with the best clients.

Learning how to create marketing material that helps your business instead of hurting it is something that most people need to learn from a professional.

Otherwise, you just end up making major mistakes without even realizing it because what you think is a fun post is something that is telling premium clients that you are not who they want to hire.

You don't know what you don't know and ignorance is expensive because what you don't know will close doors on you without you ever realizing it.

Creating your cooking show is how you market yourself to premium clients as a premium chef.

Let me know when you're ready to get started.


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