Are You The Reason You Don't Have A Cooking Show?

I just wrapped up a 30-day Start Your Cooking Show coaching cohort.
One of the first things I do in my coaching program is have my students record a short video showing me their kitchen setup so I can give feedback on lighting, camera placement, etc.
One of the students in this particular cohort told me that she has a studio kitchen where she teaches in-person cooking classes five days per week.
I found that a little hard to believe because why would someone with such a business need my help?
So I was skeptical about her studio kitchen.
I Was Wrong
She absolutely does have a studio kitchen.
To protect her privacy, I'm not going to share her demo video, but what I have done is published a stock photo that looks very much like her studio kitchen. That's the photo for this article.
In fact, the best stock photo I could find isn't as good as her kitchen.
Her kitchen has a seating area for her students and it has a big screen TV hanging from the ceiling above the end of the cooking island and it's connected to a camera that's attached to the back of the TV and angled down to provide an overhead angle of the cooking surface.
Her studio kitchen is the most impressive kitchen I've ever seen.
So What Did She Need My Help With?
She says she's been trying to figure out how to take her cooking classes online since the pandemic happened.
I don't get it.
Here's what she has:
- A studio kitchen that already has one of the two cameras that she needs
- A well-established cooking class business
- A roster of happy clients
- Daily cooking classes that sell out
Here's what she needs to turn that into an online business:
- Add a main camera (she already has the secondary camera for the overhead angle)
- Do exactly what she's already doing five days a week, except deliver it online
We had 31 days to get that done in August. That's what the coaching cohort was for.
A person with a home kitchen and a smartphone can have a cooking show online in just 3 days.
A person with a studio kitchen where they're already teaching cooking classes five days per week who also has full access to me for 31 days should easily be able to get their cooking show online, right?
It Didn't Happen
At the end of August, this student was exactly where she was at the beginning of August, which is exactly where she's been stuck for years, apparently.
She had no online cooking class when we started the cohort and she had no cooking class when it ended.
It was not for lack of resources because she already had more than what she needed.
It was not for lack of opportunity or information because she had full access to me for the entire month so I could walk her through exactly what to do.
But I can't make someone get out of their own way.
You Can Accomplish Whatever You Set Your Mind To
But that's a double-edged sword.
If you set your mind to having a cooking show, you'll have one.
If you set your mind to NOT having a cooking show, no matter what resources and opportunities you're given, you will not have a cooking show.
Here's a comment someone left on my Facebook ad inviting people to learn how to produce their own cooking show:
Self-sabotage is a real thing and it's always tragic.
Now She's In A Jam
On August 30th, the day before the coaching cohort ended, this student shared that her landlord decided to not renew her lease, so September and October would be her last two months with her studio kitchen.
She was not prepared for that at all.
But she could have been.
The pandemic started in March of 2020, so she's had more than three years to figure out how to take her cooking classes online.
And then on top of that, she just went through a 31-day coaching program specifically to learn how to take her cooking classes online.
And now she's in a position where she still has no online cooking classes and she's going to lose access to her in-person teaching space in 60 days.
Don't Be Your Own Roadblock
Are you the reason you don't have a cooking show?
It's easy to look at a situation like this one and see how simple and easy it would be for someone else to take the obvious appropriate action to put themselves in the best situation.
But it can be very difficult to see the simple, easy, obvious action for yourself.
I talk to people ALL the time who are essentially where this particular student is.
The details vary, but they always have way more than what's necessary to turn their cooking skills into an online business that frees them financially and allows them to take full control of their life and live whatever kind of life they want to live.
And they always find a way to make it NOT happen.
There's a saying that goes "If you really want to change your life, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
You Only Get One Life
You have to decide if you're going to find a way to live it to the fullest and enjoy every second.
Or are you going to settle for whatever life you're currently living and be happy with whatever excuses you come up with for not creating something better for yourself?
Because those excuses are not for other people. Those excuses are for "future you." That's the only person whose opinion matters regarding your excuses.
If you think "future you" will be okay with your excuses for not changing your life today, then you're good.
Otherwise, you're going to have to get out of your own way because you can make progress or you can make excuses, but you cannot do both.
For your life to change, you're going to have to get out of your own way and stop embracing excuses because excuses are not your friends and they are never working in your best interests.
By the way, my Celebrity Chef Masterclass is how you can make progress on your cooking show immediately. Click here to learn more.